So, right after our very unexpected move, we went on our long-awaited trip to Brasil. I'll post photos if anyone is dying to see what it was like. It only lasted two months and now we're finally back home.
I never really had time to move in properly so now I am finally hanging up art and trying to organize bedrooms, office, closets, pantries, etc.
I'm also getting back to my non-profit project. As chair of my community's Giving Back Committee, I'm trying to educate and motivate Daybreak residents to join forces in raising funds to build a school in DebreZeit, Ethiopia. A lot of work, but it's one of those bucket list be anxiously involved in a good cause. I really believe that we are way too privileged here in America and that we have certain stewardship responsibilites to help take care of those born in the poorest of poor locations.
And, of course, photography! I've got literally hundreds of photos sitting on my hard drive awaiting editing time and posting time. So many to choose from! In the next month, I hope to have several shots from Manti, St George, Redlands, Los Angeles, Newport Beach, Las Vegas and Mount Timpanogas. Maybe I'll even make a trip to Logan...
I'll try to be better at updating now that life it almost back to normal!